Information and FAQs

  • TMC Medical is a BULK BILLING Practice for all patients with a Valid Medicare Card. Fees apply for any patient without Medicare.

    Skin Checks and Procedures are also Payable on the day.

    Any patient who does not have Medicare fees apply.

    Medical Appointment:

    General Consultation -$70 Rebate -$42.85

    Long Consultation - $100 Rebate -$82.90

    Skin Check:

    Skin Check - $150 Rebate -$82.90

    Cancellation and No Show Fees:

    If a patient fails to attend their appointment or cancels with less than 24 hours' notice, a non-attendance fee between $50-$90 will be charged.

    A full fee will be charged for Skin Checks to any patient who does not notify the practice minimum 24hrs Prior to consultation or does not show up on the Day.

    Please contact us if you have any further questions regarding Fees.

  • Education is our top priority for both our patients and our staff. Through continuous learning modules, we ensure that we are on top of the latest innovative techniques available to our industry.

  • TMC Medical has a wrap-around approach to health, this means that our patients are our central focus and us as a team of doctors and allied health work together to obtain the best health outcomes for you.

  • Wheelchair access is available at the front of the surgery. If nursing mothers require privacy for feeding please ask reception & arrangements will be made. Patient toilets are located down the hallway on the left-hand side.

  • TMC Medical

    99 Trail Street, Wagga Wagga 2650

    Ph: 02 69226077
    Fax: 02 69226177

    Hours: Mon- Fri 9 am to 5 pm

    Online Booking through HotDoc

  • The doctor may suggest putting a reminder in the patient's file for skin checks, pap smears, diabetes & asthma checks, immunisations, health assessments, care plans & follow-up blood tests. You will receive a call or a letter to notify the need to book an appointment.

    If you do not wish to have an automatic follow-up, please advise the nurse or your doctor.

  • We have 4Cyte Pathology available Monday - Friday from 8.30 am to 3 pm with Lunch1pm to 1.30pm. Patients don’t need to book an appointment but are asked to bring their pathology request forms and make sure their Medicare details (number and expiry date) are up-to-date to ensure they aren’t chased up for additional fees.

  • At TMC Medical we use TIS National for all of our interpreter servicing needs.